Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Best Questions for 2009

I co-authored a book called 75 Cage Rattling Questions to Change the Way you Work and in doing so decided that questions are such powerful tools for getting us moving forward in our lives that we should ask questions more often. So, let me start with some great questions for the new year. First, consider using the acronym ASK - Awaken with a question; Spin out with more and better questions and Kindle and ignite with action questions.

For now, let's Awaken with a question. In this case, questions. Here are some of my favorite questions:

  1. What is one thing you can do today to make this day more productive than yesterday?
  2. Who is one person you know who you admire but have not reached out to lately?
  3. Where is a unique place you can go in your area you have not ever gone to?
  4. What will be the theme of your 2009 year? (Mine is transformation).
More questions to follow.

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